Thursday, October 31, 2013

Taking a Little Break


So, my 14 year old niece texted me this morning:
 "you know, Auntie, you should write a blog post telling the people of your blog that your camera isn't working and that's why you're neglecting them"! 
I'm still trying to get over the reference to "the people of your blog"!!  Good grief!!!  But you know, she's right, I should say something...!!!

So just a quick little note to say that my camera has been on the blink ever since we returned from our vacation almost a month ago!  I can take photos, just can't download, then upload them!  So cards have been made (but not nearly as many as I would have liked), but I haven't been able to post anything because of said reason!  However, the same niece did remind me - "uh Auntie, you can take pictures with your phone, you know!"

But I have decided to use the camera excuse for a little break!  Not a long one, just for a few more weeks, until I get that dang camera fixed, and for life to settle down a bit.  It's been kind of cray (ok, "crazy" - I really should not be using words like cray and adorbs at my age - I know, I know!) around here lately, and my creative energy has been somewhat lethargic to say the least!  But while I'm re-fueling, I'll still be out to visit all of your inspiring creations!

Hope to be back soon!